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作者: 时间:2020-05-15 点击量:



于南开大学获得学士学位、中科院生物物理所获博士学位。2011年起在美国布鲁克海文国家实验室从事博士后研究,2016年起在美国Van Andel医学研究所担任研究科学家,2018年底入职华中科技大学同济医学院。


长期从事疾病相关蛋白复合物的分子机制和靶向干预的研究,特别关注生物糖基化修饰相关过程、多糖合成等药物靶点的机理研究以及相关药物开发,取得了一系列系统性的创新成果,以通讯作者或第一作者发表在Nature、Cell、Nature Chemical Biology(2篇)、PNAS、Nature Communications、JBC等国际知名期刊。近期的研究揭示了抗真菌关键药物靶点-真菌细胞壁核心多糖合成途径的分子机理、药物作用和耐药产生机制,以通讯作者发表于Nature、CellDiscovery。主持的研究课题包括国家自然科学基金面上项目、重大研究计划“生物大分子动态修饰与化学干预”培育项目等。担任Nature Chemical Biology、Carbohydrate Polymers、Structure等多个期刊的审稿人。




  1. Hu X*, Yang P*, Chai C, Liu J, Sun H, Wu Y, Zhang MJ, Zhang M#, Liu X#,Yu HJ#. Structural and mechanistic insights into fungal β-1,3-glucan synthase FKS1.Nature. 2023;616(7955):190-198.

    Highlighted inNature Chemical Biology:Nat Chem Biol. 2023;19(5):536.

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  2. Wu Y*, Zhang M*, Yang Y*, Ding X, Yang P, Huang K, Hu X, Zhang M, Liu X#,Yu HJ#. Structures and mechanism of chitin synthase and its inhibition by antifungal drug Nikkomycin Z.Cell Discovery. 2022 Dec 6;8(1):129.

  3. Yu HJ, Wu CH, Schut G, Haja D, Zhao G, Peters J, Adams M# and Li H#. Structure of an Ancient Respiratory System.Cell.2018;173(7):1636-1649.e16.

  4. Yu HJ*, Takeuchi H*, Takeuchi M., Liu Q., Kantharia J., Haltiwanger RS#, Li H#. Structural analysis of Notch-regulating Rumi reveals basis for pathogenic mutations.Nature Chemical Biology. 2016;12(9):735-40.

  5. Yu HJ, Takeuchi M, LeBarron J, Kantharia J, London E, Bakker H, Haltiwanger RS, Li H#, Takeuchi H#. Notch-modifying xylosyltransferase structures support an SNi-like retaining mechanism.Nature Chemical Biology. 2015; 11(11):847-54.

  6. Yu HJ, Lupoli T, Kovach A, Meng X, Zhao G, Nathan C# and Li H#.ATP hydrolysis-coupled peptide translocation mechanism of Mycobacterium tuberculosis ClpB.PNAS. 2018 Oct 9;115(41):E9560-E9569.

  7. YuHJ*,Haja D*, Schut G, Wu CH, Meng X, Zhao GP, Li HL, Adams M. Structure of the respiratory MBS complex reveals iron-sulfur cluster catalyzed sulfane sulfur reduction in ancient life.NatureCommunications.2020 Nov 23;11(1):5953.

  8. Yu HJ#*, Schut G, Haja D, Adams M#, Li H#. Evolution of complex I-like respiratory complexes.J Biol Chem. 2021;296:100740.

  9. Yin Y*, Feng X*,YuHJ*,Fay A, Kovach A, Glickman M, Li H#. Structural basis for aggregate dissolution and refolding by the Mycobacterium tuberculosis ClpB-DnaK bi-chaperone system.Cell Rep. 2021;35(8):109166.

  10. YuHJ, Takeuchi H. Protein O-glucosylation: another essential role of glucose in biology.Curr Opin Struct Biol.2019 Jan 18;56:64-71.

  11. Takeuchi H*,Yu HJ*, Hao HL, Takeuchi M, Ito A, Li H & Robert H#.O-Glycosylation modulates the stability of epidermal growth factor-like repeats and thereby regulates Notch trafficking.J Biol Chem.2017, 292(38): 15964–15973.

  12. Du M, Yuan Z,Yu HJ, Henderson N, Sarowar S, Zhao G, Werneburg G, Thanassi D, Li H#.Handover of chaperone-subunit complexes during pilus assembly by the outer membrane usher.Nature,2018 Oct;562(7727):444-447.

  13. Gong Y*, Cao P*,Yu HJ, Jiang T#. Crystal structure of the neurotrophin-3 and p75NTR symmetrical complex.Nature, 2008, 454, 789-793.




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